Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kids Love A Good Read Aloud!!!

So, yesterday morning before school, I was reminded of something I learned from Regie Routman. "Children learn best from people they love." David Brooks,(conservative analyst) on tv, was talking about a book he has written and he mentioned this same idea as a possible focus for improving schools. In the afternoon, I was reading the most exciting and dramatic chapter in The Castle In The Attic to my 6, 7 and 8 year olds as they quietly drew the castle, the dragon that guards it and William who took it all on! I must admit I was using my most dramatic voice! They were all really hanging on every word, as kids always do when I read this book. Then, it was time to stop for P.E. As the kids got up to clean up and line up, Xander walked over to me, put his arms around me and said one of my favorite lines, "You're the best teacher!" Well, maybe not, but one thing is for sure, Xander will remember that I took him into that castle with William as he defeated that fire-breathing dragon and took on Alistor, the evil wizard! This is another commercial for Read Aloud...they will love you for it and if they love you, they will learn more, too!!! It is a great job! But, I think it's more too! My hope for these kids is that they experience this kind of pleasure from books with teachers, with parents, alone and with friends time and time again FOREVER! I'll take Xander's praise, but I know the book deserves the praise. The book is the magic!! And kids deserve to experience it! It is what school should be about!

Mary Ann

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