Sunday, December 13, 2009

Show Your Children How...Retelling

As you are reading a chapter book with your children, sometimes try reviewing the important details of the story either before you begin a new session of reading or when you have just finished reading. Although this is not the way people usually talk about books, it will help the kids get used to thinking in these terms before our reading tests in January.

After you have modeled calling to mind the story events in a linear way a few times, try having the kids help you recall the happenings in order. Later, you can ask your children to retell what was just read in their own words.

In these ways, you will be doing at home what we teachers try to do continually. We use the optimal learning model. This model of teaching and learning gives the learner demonstrations of exactly what is to be learned. As the child begins to take on the task herself, the teacher and learner work together to create a successful example of the task to be learned. Finally, the teacher observes the learner practicing the desired task and gives helpful (not hurtful) feedback as the child becomes more and more experienced and independent.

Thanks for any help you can give us in learning how to retell a story.

Mary Ann

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