Saturday, November 21, 2009

Welcome to our talk about books place

Today, I am finally beginning this blog about books that our families are reading.
Early in the year, kids were taking home picture books to read with their family.
We are now moving into reading chapter books together. This is important for all kids as they learn about the world around them. Not only do kids learn to hold a longer story in their heads between readings, they learn new vocabulary which they will encounter on their own as they move into harder books alone.

But just as important, these reading times as a family create memories together. This mirrors what happens in a classroom, especially in a multiage classroom, and especially in a school where kids remain across their elementary years. When kids return to our class for Stone Soup each year, the number one topic of conversation is what book we are reading right now. Then they reminisce about the books they remember. I think it is a comfort to them to know that this reading of their favorites continues. These favorite books create a bond across ages and it gives them something to talk about together. These kids return to borrow the favorite read alouds to read on their own as they get older.

This year, I have begun sending chapter books home with kids so that their families can experience these books together. Of course, many of our families belong to Family Read Aloud Club and so are already engaged in this kind of reading. But, for those families who cannot participate in this club, I am offering other opportunities to read great books together! Here is the place to tell us about what you are reading!!

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